I know lots of folks are syndicated, but it was still nice to see :-)
Oh, the other day I mentioned flowey poses & stuffs and then forgot to include any photos. So I'm going to throw in some photos here I shot in my new loft. It includes beautiful, transparent shafts of light slanting through the loft. I bought it on sale last week - I don't know if it's still out there, but I really love it. As you can see, I'm still moving in.
I wrote up a little blurb for a note card that goes with all my skins with a very basic description of how to bring out the best in skins and other elements in the viewer, using various Windlight settings. I'll try to get that out in the next day or so. I am no expert, but the photos here will show some of the options and variety available through the environment settings.
These are all photos of the Amara skin that's being released this week. Oh, and you know that thing I said about never mentioning my own stuff again? Lies. All lies.

I'm starting on two darker tones and hope to have them out by the end of the week. Then I'll be releasing freckled versions of the skins. I'm writing it down to cut out the wiggle room that stretches into weeks and weeks of monkeying around if I'm not careful.
And maybe somebody out there has a suggestion. Does anybody know where I can find some really nice ballet shoes? Not the kind with heels, the kind to actually do ballet in. Also dancewear. I've seen some stuff around, but nothing that is just plain dance clothes for dancers.
Thanks in advance for any bright ideas.
Alright. My avie is all black again, so

a few minutes later... yep. Dual monitor issue. SL has to run on the primary monitor. At least while you're changing skins it does. So there it is. Another little solution. Hope that helps somebody.
Ok. Off like a prom dress.
Cheers for now,