Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Psyched about Syndication...

I know lots of folks are syndicated, but it was still nice to see :-)

Oh, the other day I mentioned flowey poses & stuffs and then forgot to include any photos. So I'm going to throw in some photos here I shot in my new loft. It includes beautiful, transparent shafts of light slanting through the loft. I bought it on sale last week - I don't know if it's still out there, but I really love it. As you can see, I'm still moving in.

I wrote up a little blurb for a note card that goes with all my skins with a very basic description of how to bring out the best in skins and other elements in the viewer, using various Windlight settings. I'll try to get that out in the next day or so. I am no expert, but the photos here will show some of the options and variety available through the environment settings.

These are all photos of the Amara skin that's being released this week. Oh, and you know that thing I said about never mentioning my own stuff again? Lies. All lies.

I'm starting on two darker tones and hope to have them out by the end of the week. Then I'll be releasing freckled versions of the skins. I'm writing it down to cut out the wiggle room that stretches into weeks and weeks of monkeying around if I'm not careful.

And maybe somebody out there has a suggestion. Does anybody know where I can find some really nice ballet shoes? Not the kind with heels, the kind to actually do ballet in. Also dancewear. I've seen some stuff around, but nothing that is just plain dance clothes for dancers.
Thanks in advance for any bright ideas.

Alright. My avie is all black again, so I better go figure out what the heck is going on. I think this might be a dual monitor thing... I'll let you know.

a few minutes later... yep. Dual monitor issue. SL has to run on the primary monitor. At least while you're changing skins it does. So there it is. Another little solution. Hope that helps somebody.

Ok. Off like a prom dress.
Cheers for now,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Why SL is still worth it...

Everybody has their own answers, I know. Mostly I'm quite reclusive. Hiding out, not talking, wandering but maintaining a great distance from pretty much everybody else.

Still, when you have a problem, usually within a minute or two, somebody is willing to bail your ass out of even the most ridiculous situations (remember that box embedded in your head when you were a noob?)

So here's my latest experience with the loveliness of so many folks in SL:

[21:49] Anik Pavlova: hello all. is anybody aware of issues relating to missing textures on avatars - i'm solid black at the moment. i seem to remember having this happen last year, but clearing the caches has not helped. suggestions very welcome!
[21:49] Anik Pavlova: my eyeballs are floating under my hair. i hate that.
[21:50] Dorion Zenfold: i had similar problem couple of days back when my avi went completely white.
[21:50] Anik Pavlova: oh well, at least i have something to blog about now... attractive photo to go with it, too.
[21:50] Dorion Zenfold: re-wear your skin and shape
[21:51] Anik Pavlova: tried that earlier... oh wait. not the shape. ok. good idea.
[21:52] Dorion Zenfold: :)
[21:52] Dorion Zenfold: and change your clothes
[21:53] Anik Pavlova: ok. you're a freaking genius. the shape thing worked. didn't even have to change clothes!
[21:53] Dorion Zenfold: hahaha
[21:53] Anik Pavlova: thanks! give yourself a gold star and a nice chocolate ice cream cone :-)

I gushed with gratitude for several more minutes and then signed off from the Happy Hippsters group with my little problem solved, eyeballs properly veiled by a face. I'm so sensitive about that.

But stuff like that happens all the time. Something weird happens, you send out a desperate wail to the universe and somebody bothers to help. I like it.

So there it is. I have limped through another blog post. Don't tell me it wasn't fun, I see you over there with your eyes rolled back in your head smoking a cigarette.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

The thing is....

I love SL. I love skinning for SL. I love checking out the fashion scene and wandering around looking at the amazing things out there. I just got a little loft from flowey with this phenomenal light sliding through the windows - it's beautiful. She also makes great poses and these cool signs with some great quotes on them. Prices? seriously MORE than fair.

So I don't know what I'll be blogging about. It seems sort of tedious to keep raving about my skins - check out my skins, see my skins, oh please please love my skins, mostly buy my skins memememe blahhhhhhh.....zzzzzzz....... but, you know, just assume I'm saying that every time you visit the blog and I'll plan on leaving it out of all future posts. Please. Thank you.

So I'm about to go looking for some good deals on decor for my new digs. I'll let you know what I find :-)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So. Finally. Amara.

After endless empty threats, I've finally got a line of skins nearly ready to go. They are on the new Bodywear sim (formerly Harlow). After consultation with some designers who actually know what they're doing, I'm naming the line Amara. Everlasting.

It's taken me a long time, but I love making skins and I hope you will enjoy them, too. I don't use templates or skin kits. What works and what doesn't is all my fault ;-) Although I'm not an artist, I knew that to be happy with what I was making, it had to come from me.

I use a photo as the base. At this point I don't think the original would be recognizable in the finished skin. It's been worked over pretty good.

Each comes with three brow options, light, brown and dark. There is a DEMO for every skin and the Bodywear Sim has some really great shops.

Drop by and check out the DEMOS and please feel free to share any comments or critiques.
Thanks for visiting YoLo Skins.
